Yamamoto Takashi (山本孝)

Takashi YAMAMOTO (September 18, 1936 -) is a Nohgakushi (Noh actor) playing stick drums of Okura-ryu school. He learned Noh under his father, Keiichiro YAMAMOTO (Noh actor, playing stick drums of the Okura-ryu school) and Toshio KAMEI (Noh actor, the Soke-azukari [Acting head school], playing Kuzuno-ryu school, and Living National Treasure).

In 1978, he was designated as the general holder of Important Intangible Cultural Property, and became a member of The Association of Japanese Noh Payers. In 2007, he received the Order of the Rising Sun.

Former Director of of The Nohgaku Performer's Association. Director of The Association for Japanese Noh Plays. Chief instructor for stick drums of Osaka Nohgaku Yoseikai (Osaka Nohgaku Training Academy). Tetsuya YAMAMOTO (Noh actor) is his son.

1964: Awarded the Encouragement Prize of Osaka Cultural Festival for the performance in "Dojoji" (Dojo-ji Temple). 1990: Awarded the Encouragement Prize of Osaka Citizen's Theater for his performance in "Sotoba Komachi"(Miss Komachi at gravepost). 1995: Awarded the Prize of Osaka Cultural Festival in "Hajitomi" (The Lattice Shutter). 1997: Again awarded the Prize of Osaka Cultural Festival for the presentation of Yamamoto Domon-kai (workshop of Yamamoto and his fellows) that he presides. 2003: Awarded the Hosei University Noh Drama Prize in Memory of Kanze Hisao.

[Original Japanese]